Sunday, October 11, 2009

Church with Erika and afternoon chatting with Jenny

Went to church with my cousin Erika today, it was great. We went to Crossroads in Grand Praire, it's a huge church, so awesome, can't wait to go next week. We had Starbucks for breakfast, and then Subway for lunch. Then I went to DFW and picked up my other cousin Jennifer and we spent about an hour trying to find her hotel...ok so I'm still figuring out this area, and well the exits were right next to each other and I missed the one I wanted, but hell we got After she checked in we went to the Cheesecake Factory and had some snacks and margaritas, and chatted, then went back to her room and chatted more, then went to Starbucks and got more coffee and then went back to her room and channel surfed on the tv and chatted more. It was awesome.


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